Longview Lake Crappie fishing with a bonus

My trip started out as any typical fishing trip does. I got the boat hooked up and off to the ramp at Longview Lake I went. While I waited for my fishing buddy to arrive, who is notorious for being fashionably late, I prepped my boat as best I could waiting to get onto the water. 

The crappie were starting to hit the banks for to spawn, so that was going to be our target species. Finally, he arrived, only 30 minutes late this time. We quickly got the rig dropped in the water and away we went.

I had a few places in mind to start to look for those tasty morsels. Moments after pulling up to our first spot, bam! Four keepers in the boat in about 15 minutes. All were between 10 to 12-inches in length. A mighty fine start to what seemed like a day where we were going to really get into them. Well, as luck would have it, I was wrong. Talk about digging to get some fish in the box!

We fished for about 4 and a half hours or so and had managed to reach about 10 or 11 keepers. Both of us were starting to feel a bit defeated. Then, the surprise of a lifetime for me happened. The line jumped and seconds later, a walleye!! Not only a walleye, but a keeper one at that.

Let me give you some back story as to why this meant so much to me.

I’ve spent the past few early springs chasing those toothy critters with nothing to show for it except one sublegal 14-incher last spring. The walleye has become my “fish of a thousand casts” looking back on my time invested to catch one of these delicious fish.

Luck finally looked down on me that day when it came to those marble eyed beauties. Of course, now that I caught one, I’m lured back in for more like a kid at the candy store. 

We finished our day out with 17 crappie, 1 walleye, and a small flathead. My wife loves flathead so I kept it for her enjoyment. It was a glorious day to be out on the water and enjoy some time with an old friend.

Get out often and spend time with those you enjoy. The fresh fish is the bonus. The memories are made with those who shared the boat!

Tight lines friends!